week of March 11, 2024

Save The Dates….

March 16: Last Day of the Season // Star Wars Game

March 19: Girls Division Year End Banquets

March 20: Norris Division Year End Banquets

March 21: Patrick Division Year End Banquets

March 22-24: Sledwings Tournament

March 26: Campbell Division Year End Banquets

March 27: Adams Division Year End Banquets

August 26: GYF Golf Outing

October 1-17: Equipment Fittings (by Division)

November 2: Season Starts! 


Quick Reminders

  • All Divisions have their normal ice times this week! 
  • Olympians and World Juniors will have their year end parties after their Saturday ice time (see below)
  • All players in all divisions need to turn in their washables on Saturday (socks, jocks and practice jersey)
  • Please make sure ALL of your players equipment is returned to the rink and put away before leaving for the season!


Raffle Basket Fundrasier

Each year, baskets of miscellaneous hockey or Griffins related goodies are put together & raffled off. Tickets will be sold at the front table starting Saturday, March 9 until the end of the season, March 16. The drawing will take place at the end of the day on Saturday, March 16. Winners need not be present to win & baskets will be available for pick up at the end of the day on March 16, or at the banquets. We will have a T-shirt & a hockey stick autographed by the Griffins team as well!  Please contact Eileen directly with any questions. (programmanager@griffinskids.org)


Playoff Schedules

This week all divisions (Adams & higher) will play their championship games.  Playoff game schedules are below: 


Registration Closes This Saturday! 

If your player will be coming back to play with us next year- registration closes on Saturday!  If your player will NOT be coming back, please reach out to Nichole ASAP!  This year the registration process will be done a little bit differently. All families will need to fill out a brief (approx. 2 minute) year end parent survey about how this season went before being able to complete your player registration in TeamSnap. All answers are submitted to us anonymously.  Please click the link below to start your survey. After you hit the submit button on the survey, you will be directed to a page with the link to register your player on TeamSnap. If you have any issues, please let Nichole know (communications@griffinskids.org)

Survey & Registration


Volunteers Needed!

Scoreboard/Announcers- We are in need of Announcers and someone to run the scoreboard for every game this week.  If you are able to help- please sign up!  We can not have games without people stepping up to help in this way.  (Sign up here)

Refs- We are in need of refs for the following games:
3/16: We are in need of refs for games this week!  Please sign up if you are able to help!  (Sign up here)

50/50 Volunteers-  We are in need of quite a few volunteers still this month to sell 50/50 at Griffins home games.   All volunteers receive 3 tickets each as well as a parking pass. We lose money if we do not have all 6 spots filled for each home game! Please sign up if you are able to help! (Sign up here & scroll down to March)


Sledwings Tournament

OUR SLEDWINGS NEED YOUR SUPPORT! The 2024 Griff’s Sled Hockey Classic is March 22-24 at Patterson and Eagle’s Ice arena. There will be 25 teams- coming from as far away as NYC and Nashville!- competing from 7pm Friday to 2pm on Sunday on 3 ice surfaces- that’s 51 games in total! This is the largest locally run Sled Hockey tournament in the Nation! Stop by and say Hi!


Charity Classic Games- UPDATE

We want to give a HUGE Thank you to all of our GYF families who participated in Penny Wars & the pop can drive this past month. While we are still getting final division totals- we have managed to raise over $700 that will go directly towards the VanDyke Family! 

The Division who raised the most in Penny Wars will be getting an ice cream party!  The winning division will be announced shortly! 


Olympian and World Juniors Year End Party

The end of the season is fast approaching, please find below the dates for the end of the year banquets. 

Olympian Division: Your players will need to be dressed in limited gear (helmet and gloves), and be ready to get on the ice by 8am.  They will have their closing ceremonies and then an open skate to follow.  Cookies & punch will be in the west rink warm area AFTER open skate (9:15-10:00am).  Parents & siblings welcome.


World Junior Division:  Will play their championship games at their scheduled time.  Cookies & punch will be in the west rink warm area AFTER the games (10:15-11:15am).  Parents & siblings welcome.


For both divisions: 

  • For families A-H, please bring one dozen cookies (prepackaged or homemade) per player. (NO cupcakes, please)
  • For families K-Z, please bring one 10 count package of drinks such as Capri Sun, Kool Aid Jammers or juice boxes, per player

Please bring your items to the west rink warm area. I am looking for a few more parents to set out cookies & drinks, supervise & clean up afterwards. Please contact Ms. Eileen directly- (programmanager@griffinskids.org) if you are able to help or if you have any questions.

Year End Banquets 

Adams Divisions and higher will have their banquets at the same location & the same time each day:
Location: Fraternal Order of Police
Address: 1753 Alpine Avenue NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504. Tan building with Blue stripe at the top 
Time: 6:00-8:00 pm 
Due to limitations with the size of the facility, we are asking that two parents or significant persons accompany each player. No siblings or extended family members allowed.

For those of you who have indicated at registration that you would like to volunteer at the year-end parties or still need to fulfill your obligation to volunteer, please reach out to the party coordinators. We need volunteers for setup, cleanup and to help serve food at each banquet. We need all hands-on deck and would appreciate everyone’s help to celebrate our players!