week of March 20, 2023

Save The Dates….

March 21: Patrick Division Year End Banquet (sign up here)

March 22: Norris Division Year End Banquet (sign up here)

March 23: Girls Division Year End Banquet (sign up here)

March 27: Campbell Division Year End Banquet (sign up here)

March 28: Adams Division Year End Banquet

August 9: Summer Camp Equipment Fittings

August 15-17: GYF Summer Camp (register here)

September 19-21: Mandatory Parent Meetings (more info below)

September 25-October 19: Equipment Fittings


Thank You for a Great Season! 

We would like to say a huge thank you to all GYF coaches, refs, parents and players for another successful season!  See you all next season!


Year End Banquet Schedules

The end of the season is here. Please read below for the info for the end of the year party/banquets for each division- for Adams and up, please make sure to check the sign up genius’ listed and sign up for something to bring!  We need everyone’s help for the banquets next week!
Adams Divisions and higher will have their banquets at the same location & the same time each day:
Location: Fraternal Order of Police
Address: 1753 Alpine Avenue NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504. Tan building with Blue stripe at the top 
Time: 6:00-8:00 pm 
Due to limitations with the size of the facility, we are asking that two parents or significant persons accompany each player. No siblings or extended family members allowed.
Patrick Division: Tuesday, March 21:  Please RSVP & sign up to help/bring something here
Norris Division: Wednesday, March 22: Please sign up to bring something for the Taco Bar here
Girls Division: Thursday, March 23: Please sign up to bring a dish here
Campbell Division: Monday, March 27: Please sign up to bring something for the Taco Bar  here
Adams Division: Tuesday, March 28: Pizza Banquet- please make sure you turn in $8 to Ms. Eileen by Wednesday’s practice & make sure your players name is checked off the list!
If you selected that you would like to assist with volunteering at registration, this is the opportunity to do so. We need a total of 12 volunteers (4 for setup, 4 for cleanup and 5-6 to help serve) at each banquet!


Summer Camp Sign Up

This year GYF is bringing back our summer camp!  We do still have open spots for our summer camp!  This is not mandatory or part of our regular season.   If you have a player who plays in multiple divisions- they should choose one division to participate in during the camp.

When: August 15-17  *players must come for an equipment fitting on August 9th.

Olympians/World Juniors 5:00-5:50 pm
Adams/Campbell 6:00-7:15 pm
Girls/Norris & Patrick 7:30-8:45pm

Cost: $30/player

Registration and payment can be submitted here:
Calling All Seniors & Alumni
We are thrilled to announce the formation of the Griffins Youth Foundation Alumni Association, to enable former GYF players and coaches to foster connections with friends and teammates, celebrate our history, share your stories, and take part in alumni events and reunions.

You are still part of our family- don’t lose contact with us just because you’re graduating!  Fill out this short form to be added to our GYF Alumni list: www.griffinskids.org/alumni

*If you are interested in helping us with this outreach process please let us know.  Feel free to pass this information along to anyone you know who is an alumnus of GYF.


Looking Ahead to Next Season…
Parent Meetings- It is required that all parents of enrolled players attend a parent meeting prior to the season starting.  Save the date for parent meetings for next season!  If you have players in multiple divisions, you only need to attend one- please pick the division/date/time that works best for you to attend.
  • Patrick & Norris Division: September 19th, 5:30pm
  • Girls Division: September 19th, 6:30pm
  • Campbell Division: September 20th, 5:30pm
  • Adams Division: September 20th, 6:30pm
  • World Juniors Division: September 21st, 5:30pm
  • Olympians Division: September 21st, 6:30pm

Fittings- If your player is using GYF gear, it is required that they come to an equipment fitting prior the start of the season.  We have over 400 players that need to be fitted and we only have a few weeks to do it in- there are NO make up dates.  Please save the below dates…we will need lots of volunteers to help also!!!

  • Patrick & Norris Division: September 25-28
  • Girls & Campbell Division: October 2-5
  • Adams & World Juniors Division: October 9-12
  • Olympians Division & Goalies: October 16-19

2023-2024 Season Starts: October 31st, 2023!