GYF Newsletter 2/6/23
week of February 6, 2023
Save The Dates….
February 8: Grifins vs Sledwings Game @ Griff’s Icehouse
February 8: NO practice for Olympian and Adams Divisions.
Campbell practices @ a different time-check TeamSnap!!
February 12: Adams Charity Classic Games
February 13: Returning player registration opens!
February 19: Campbell Charity Classic Games
February 26: Norris Charity Classic Games
March 4: Girls Game @ the Van Andel! more info to come!
March 4: Star Wars Night- Griffins Ticket fundraiser- tickets available here!
March 5: Patrick Charity Classic Games
March 12: Patrick try-outs- by invite only
March 18: Last day of the Season!
Griffins vs Sledwings
Be sure to come show your support to our Sled Wings players this Wednesday, February 8th! This is an annual event that showcases the skills of our Sled Wings players as they square off against Griffins players (who will also be on sleds!) right here at Griff’s Icehouse. Meet your favorite players and get their autographs prior to watching them tangle with the Sled Wings!
Quick Reminders!
Due to the Sledwings vs Griffins special event- Olympians and Adams Divisions will NOT have practice on Wednesday Feb. 8th! All calendars have also been updated to reflect this!
Campbell Division practices will be on the EAST rink, as follows:
- O’ree (red) Granato (green) @ 5:00pm
- Gomez (gold) Able (blue) @ 5:55pm
*Dress code: Players are not permitted to walk around the rink in stocking feet. Skates or closed toed shoes should be worn at all times outside of the locker rooms. Nothing less than shirts with short sleeves should be worn at all times (no tank tops!)
*Treats for after games, practices and birthdays, etc are not to be passed out or eaten in locker rooms. Please pass them out as they exit the locker rooms or in the common areas in the rink.
What are the Charity Classic Games?
Charity Classic Game Schedule
Adam’s game is this Sunday February 12 with a start time of 1:30pm for the championship game. The consolation game starts at 2:10pm.
Campbell is Sunday February 19 with a start time of 1pm for the championship game. The consolation game starts at 1:55pm.
The winners of the game played the day before your charity game will play in the championship game. The losers of the game played before your charity game will play in the consolation game.
*Save The Date! Norris Division will play on February 26th / Patrick Division will play on March 5th- schedule will be announced soon!
Community Room News
Feb 11th the education room will be open again 9am-6pm!! Thank you to everyone who helped support our community Feb 4th by donating blood during this critically low supply time. Feb 11th the room will have different activity stations. Stop in to see how far you can make your paper airplane fly, make oobleck to take home or use your skills to make a tinfoil boat capable of floating coins. Also, Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching. Come into the Ed room to decorate cookies, make cards or do a fun craft.
Turn in your receipts in the education room– feel free to leave them on the counter Saturdays. Every receipt gets us closer to $1000. We currently have approx. $135,000 in receipts out of the$150,000 needed for our first $1000.
Volunteers Needed This Week
-Scoreboard/Announcers- We need help for the following games (Sign Up Here!)
- 2/7 Patrick Games 7pm and 8:20pm- 1 person needed for each game
- 2/9 Girls Game (green vs orange ) 7:50pm- 1 person needed
- 2/11 Campbell Game 1:40pm (green vs gold)- 1 person needed / 3:00pm (red vs blue) – 2 people needed
- 2/11 Norris Games 4:20pm and 5:40pm- 1 person needed for each game
-Refs Needed This Week- We need help for the following games, if you or your player has taken a ref class, please considering signing up for a time to help out this week!
- Girls Games – We could really use some refs to help in our Girls Division Games on Thursday nights. We currently have no refs signed up for the remainder of the year for this division and we need 2 per game! Games are Thursdays at 7:00 or 7:50pm- Sign Up Here
- 2/11 Games- (Sign Up Here):
- World Juniors 9am game- 1 ref needed
- Adams 11:00 am game- 1 ref needed
- Campbell games: 1:40pm & 3:00pm- 1 ref needed for each
- Charity Classic Games refs needed! We are in need of 2 refs per game for the next 2 Sundays to ref our Charity Classic games for Adams and Campbell Divisions. (Sign Up Here)
It’s Pizza Time!
This is the last week to buy Pizza Kits! Chances are if you’ve already bought a Pizza Kit, it’s been made, baked and eaten! So, order more now before time runs out! Pizza Kits are great to have on hand during the holiday season. Everyone appreciates the convenience of a delicious, meal that your family will love. Buy your favorites today and re-send the link to your family and friends who may have forgotten to order! Thank you for your help and support!
Follow this link to create your very own Seller page. You can customize your page, upload a video, create an avatar, and watch how many pizza kits you’ve sold. You’ll get your own special link to send to your friends and family so they can buy delicious pizza kits and support our fundraiser.
Girls Division @ the Van Andel
Every year one Division (Adams & older) gets the opportunity to play one of their games at the Van Andel Arena! This year, it’s the Girls Divisions turn to play! Every player and visitor must have a ticket to the Griffins game that evening in order to play or watch- no exceptions! Please make sure to get your tickets ordered ASAP if you have not done so already. More details regarding the games will be sent out to families in the next week or so, below is the game schedule. Please see Nichole with any questions.
Pink vs Green on ice at 2:00pm (1:00pm arrival)
Orange vs Blue on ice at 3:30pm (2:30pm arrival)
Many of you may have noticed the boards located at the front of the rink above the concession stands- those are the standings for each division! But, do you how the standings are calculated? GYF uses something called Buffalo Scoring to determine rankings. In Buffalo Scoring, a team’s ranking is based on its total number of points accumulated throughout each game. There are 5 points available in each game: 1 point per period is awarded to whichever team scores the most goals in that period, and then 2 points are awarded to whichever team wins the game (1 point is awarded to each team in the event of a tie). We realize that with the end of the season quickly approaching, everyone watches the board a little more closely- we will try our best to get them updated as soon after games as possible! I will start including them in the weekly newsletter also.